
Keen to volunteer for 2025?

Volunteer Registration is open – Click Here to Register.

Like so many races, the Rubix VT Brighton Half Marathon wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the goodwill and support we receive from so many generous groups and individuals. 450+ volunteers support us each year in many different roles.

Volunteer roles on the day

We require lots of volunteers on race day, from helping out with road marshalling to helping with drinks at the drinks stations, medals at the finish line and helping in our baggage facility. We’ll do our very best to allocate your preferred role and we will contact all registered volunteers ahead of the 2025 event with further information.

Always a rewarding morning, volunteering offers the opportunity to be part of the unique buzz of race day. All volunteers will be provided with a breakfast bag and a branded drawstring bag.

Sign up to volunteer

If you’d like to join our team and volunteer with us on either Saturday 1st or Sunday 2nd March 2025, please register online by clicking here.

We always need volunteers, so please do tell anyone else you know who might like to volunteer.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the team.

Thank you for your support!