What’s next for Corporal Sam Hammond Aka Man vs Fridge

After setting a new Guinness World Record at the Brighton Half back in February (completing the distance with a 26 kg fridge on his back) Corporal Sam Hammond went on to set a new Guinness world record for the full marathon some 6 weeks later in London
Needless to say, the reaction to Sam’s first world record in Brighton has been incredible.
We caught up again with Sam recently to talk all things Fridge, running and of course what his next challenge might be….
1.How did you first come up with the idea of running with a fridge strapped to your back?
It was back in July last year. I was trying to work out ways of raising money for charity, times are hard, and I think you need something a little stand out to stand much chance of raising good money! So, the idea of a fridge came! It’s heavy and sticks out a lot! everyone looks! That means everyone gets exposure to the chosen charity and often ask questions! All good PR!
2. When you started out on your challenge(s) did you have any idea of how this would resonate with people and the publicity you would generate?
I have been absolutely blown away by the support. This includes the generosity of everyone donating, the support while on events by the public, the companies who have helped me along the way and the individuals like Martin who kindly donated a space at a huge event to allow me to attempt the challenge!
3. What advice would you give for any other aspiring Guinness World Record holder
There are so many different records, pick one that suits you, train hard and train smart! The whole journey from training to fund raising is great fun and it’s all tied off nicely at the end should you beat the previous record with a bit of paper you can keep for the rest of your life!
4. You received great support from the crowds at Brighton – what were your memories of the day in setting the first of your new Guinness World Records
I started out pretty nervous! The wind was forecasted to be pretty high and with a large white sail on my back, I was a little worried! Being allowed to set off at the front of the green group was certainly a highlight, the supporters on both sides of the road really helped me get into my rhythm. It was quite nice it was a little quieter at the turn around points! allowing me to get a few seconds to compose myself!
5.Did you in your wildest dreams realize how difficult a challenge you had set yourself.
The first record, at Brighton was tough, I pushed myself very hard and I’m sure everyone at the end could see that, however. This was but a mere drop in the ocean compared to the full marathon in London. Words can’t describe how hard I had to work. My Instagram is full of pictures where you can see the true pain I was feeling!
6. You were running to support the armed forces charity SSAFA – how did your fundraising go?
SSAFA is a great charity supporting serving soldiers, Veterans and the families we leave at home whenever we deploy. I’m super happy to announce that I’ve managed to raise over £7,000 for them! Thanks to some very kind people!
7. Do you have any ideas about what your next challenge might be?
For now, Duty calls. I’m soon heading off on a 5 month deployment with work and thus the fridge is in temporary retirement, I’m sure this won’t be permanent
8. And how is your relationship with “Fridget” nowadays – has it cooled? (Sorry!)
I put the fridge on my back for the first time since London last week, just to walk to across the field and store it in a shed. It felt pretty strange but made me smile! I’m not sure if I’m nervous or excited to get her on my back again!
And finally, if you did fancy taking on a new challenge at the Half next February, we would of course love to welcome you back!
Thank you! I’ve been. eyeing up a couple of records, I’d love to get another while in Brighton!
Thank you again for the support from the whole team – it really did help get that world record which then nicely set me up for London!
If you want to join Sam next February, early bird entries are still available here: https://brighton-half.eventize.co.uk/e/brighton-half-marathon-9432